New: Valinch & Mallet !
Welcome to the whisky (whiskey) online shop of Monnier Trading AG in Studen. stands for the noble pleasure! Lots of information about the water of life (Uisge beatha), approx. 600 whisky (whiskey) and 3500 whisky rarities (whiskey rarities), 60 grappa, 200 rum (rhum) (ron) and other fine spirits on offer.
Martin Monnier loves fine spirits, especially single malt whisky (whiskey). He is happy to share this passion and his extensive knowledge with you! Let us advise you and experience the fascination and variety of aromas and flavours. Tasting notes will make your choice easier. If you have any questions about whisky (whiskey), grappa, rum (rhum), (ron) and other fine spirits, please contact us.
Have fun surfing!