1st November 2024 at the Stadthaus Nidau
18.30h Apéro – 19.00h Dinner
The price for the 5-course menu is as usual CHF 105.- including whisky, water and a coffee.
Focaccia with bacon
Cauliflower, cranberries
Beetroot and onions, rocket
honey dressing
Swiss beef entrecôte
Potato and thyme jus
smoked celery puree
Carrot / veal jus
Chocolate cake
marinated plums
Almond and honey ice cream
Cauliflower, cranberries
Beetroot and onions, rocket
honey dressing
Swiss beef entrecôte
Potato and thyme jus
smoked celery puree
Carrot / veal jus
Chocolate cake
marinated plums
Almond and honey ice cream